09 Aug Week 15 update
Hello everybody,
Kitty’s are available at CP9 after the 13th. If not claimed by September 1st, the commissioner will use it for Vacation fund.
Check your standings, only 1 weeks to go! In League Tracker go to stats then league standings. If you are close to the please remember that Playoffs are August 17, all day. If you cannot play, sorry – consultation prizes are given!, Next team in line gets your spot! TOP 8 TEAMS MAKE THE PLAYOFFS
Last week’s challenges are: Greatest challenges (unofficial pole).
- Closest 2nd shot from off the Green #1
- Long drive on #4
- Closest to the Sand Trap (not in) #5
- Closed 3rd from behind the ditch on
- Closest 2nd shot from behind the ditch on #8
Playoff are August 17th!!!
Finalist will have the option to ride a catered bus to Highland Hills for out playoff round. Bus leaves Steak-Out at 10 am And I am requesting players to be at 152 w. Mountain no later than 9:30. First tee time is at 11:30.
We are taking the top 8 teams as a reminder. If you cannot attend the next team in the position will be contacted and invited to play! Please confirm attendance by Saturday evening- August 14th.
Thank you