Looking forward —> 2022

According to Walletinvestor’s Fort Collins real estate market research, home values will increase in the next 12 months.

Median home values increased by 5.223% to 477290 USD, between 2020-11-30 and 2021-11-30

The average annual profit of property investment was:


  • 9.257% in 2016
  • 5.477% in 2017
  • 4.662% in 2018
  • 2.095% in 2019
  • 8.665% in 2020
  • 4.518% in 2021


Based on our Fort Collins City real estate market research and report the predicted sales prices will increase by 50.969% in the next 10 years.

Over the last 12 months, the value of homes in Fort Collins City fluctuated: increasing 12 times and decreasing 0 times