21 Sep Hats and numbers are in!!!
Posted at 07:05h
in Charity Golf Updates
After 17-weeks of waiting, Our charity scramble hats are finally in! They will be available for pick up at the Steak-Out Saloon (152 W. Mountain) anytime we are open through the end of the month. Please be patient with staff if we are busy with normal day to day operations.
I am pleased to announce that we were able to donate $15,000.oo to the City of Fort Collins Youth Recreational Sports Scholarship and an additional $3,000.oo to our selected Community Support Scholarship Winner- Carter Edgerly. I had a large learning curve this year with the double shotgun, the new city manager of golf and how our community is rebounding from pandemic shut downs but was happy with the event. I am confident that next year will be even better!!!
– Thank you for your support and participation.
-We had the largest attended single day Charity Golf event in Northern Colorado this year! 292 golfers
Hopefully, I will have event pictures up soon but with my Real Estate business growing, it might not be until later this year.
Be well, Be Safe