BBQ Announcement

– If you are planning on not attending let me know so that I can adjust the food count. 970-691-7669
Mid-season BBQ: June 10th – 1:00 pm- till dusk.
800 Grouse Circle Fort Collins, 80524. We encourage biking or parking in the park at Greenbriar and walking across the greens. Please Bring a lawn chair.
Brisket, Pulled Pork, Brats, Burgers, Corn and many, many, many sides. (veggie options will be available)
We will have $250 in prizes for various Golf challenges as well as cornhole, polish shoes, horseshoes, bocce and more! If you have a favorite yard game please bring it.
I will have 2 babysitters so that the parents in the league can attend and bring their kids. 
I am planning on 250 people and will have plenty of beer options available. If you require any liquor drink please bring your own.
Additional family or friends are encouraged.
League Polo and standings will be available at the BBQ.