Welcome 2024 Steak-Out Saloon Golfer’s!


Week 1 Challenges: $50 per Winner

  • Closest to the pin on #2
  • Closest to the mark on #5
  • Closest 2nd shot to the pin from behind the ditch on #6
  • Closest to a hole-in-one on #8.
  • Long putt on #7 -(Paid with Steak-out Saloon gift card-$50)

Mulligans not allowed.

Things to Remember.

-Each team is allotted 2 mulligans per TEAM. This means that if you are having a great round and your partner needs both mulligans, that is ok.

-Mulligans are allowed to be taken anywhere except the greens. No mulligan putts!

-No cutting the corner on #3 Tee box. WWJLD. If you hit O.B. take a lateral drop (+1) and continue play.

-Keep up pace with the team in front of you. This means that shorter hitters should be teeing off first on par 5s.

-NO Provisionals! Out of Bound Shots result in a stroke penalty & drop at Point of O.B. Except on #3 use lateral drop rules.

– We have 5 x $50 prizes each week! Be sure to check your weekly update to stay informed on challenges.  Now winners from Mulligans!

You Must Play in your Designated Tee Flight!

– All scores must be entered by end of day each Tuesday

– All absent play must drop a Scorecard to Clubhouse before week missed clearly labeled with the date missed, who played, and team name.

Hope to see you all at Steak-Out for a post round New Belgium or Deep Eddie Cocktail!